13 Facts About the Laws of Burgos, 1512-1513

1. Like many such proclamations and treaties the title…..Laws of Burgos…is based on a location. The document was formerly published in Burgos, Spain in 1512. 2. The laws were the first code of conduct governing how Native Americans should be treated in the Americas by Spanish foreigners in America. 3. At first the laws only included the island of Hispanola, but later Puerto Rico and Jamaica was included. 4. The laws addressed the mistreatment of natives and called for their conversion to Catholicism. 5. The laws were rarely enforced making the Laws of Burgos of little value. 6. The laws called for encomiendas…..a labor system where a Spanish citizen was granted a certain number of natives they became responsible for. Basically in exchange for religious instruction the receiver of the encomienda could exact tribute from the Natives including labor, gold or other products. 7. The laws were written due to the reports of Domingo de Mendoza, the cardinal archbishop of Seville regarding abus...