
Showing posts from August, 2011

Demolition by Neglect

This past week I performed a little experiment. I threw the word “history” out to various people–friends, waitresses, store clerks, even a couple of surprised strangers–and asked them to tell me what immediately popped into their minds. Various words were thrown back to me– events, dates, maps, wars, battles –and the list goes on. None of the responses really surprised me, but there are other words to parallel with the word history. Words like preservation, remember, and trust come to mind and unfortunately, the words failure, greed, demolish, surrender, neglect, and ignore are on the flipside as I continue examining the winding path of history a cotton mill where I live has taken. I shared the story over at Douglasville Patch last week where I have a weekly column regarding how Douglasville ended up with the cotton mill and how important the mill was to our economic health over most of the last century. You can see my column from last week here . Now I want to share the rest of the...

August History Carnival

The History Carnival is up over at Culture and Stuff .    A blog carnival is a blog post with various links to other blogs that follow the same topic.   In this case the topic is history.    Think of it as the blogosphere’s version of Reader’s Digest with a different blog within the history community hosting each month. It’s always a great read!! I intend to enjoy it one little morsel at a time.   J Enjoy!!!!

Another Academic Year Begins

So…in my neck of the woods many had the first day of school while other had their first day of pre-planning.    What was it for you? A fellow teacher and friend of mine posted this last night on Facebook, and I felt I needed to share it here.   You may have seen variations of this on the web or in one of those emails that tend to end up in your inbox that has been forwarded hither and yon. My friend tells me she changed a few things here and there to match her own situation. I say BRAVO!.....and may everyone involved in education from the board office to the bus drivers have a most wonderful year!!! T'was the night before school starts And all through the place, Not a smile was seen On any teacher’s face. Our bags were all stuffed With tea bags and glue, And rulers and pencils With erasers to chew. Mournfully we All crawled into bed to sleep tight, But we know that the good life is way out of sight. Then the hubby cames in whistling And kissed me goodnight, With a bright ...