War Horse

Christmas Day I sat in a very full movie theater and experienced a crowd so moved by what they had watched they cheered and clapped at the end of the movie. It’s such a rare occurrence. I think I can count on one hand the times in my life where I’ve witnessed clapping after a movie, but the particular movie I saw deserved it. I just have to wonder how many of those people realized they enjoyed a story that was originally published as juvenile fiction. Yes! The movie War Horse was originally published as a book for young adults in 1982 by Michael Morpungo. The movie could be summed up by five words – a boy and his horse – but it’s so much more than that. While the main storyline involves a very special horse and a young man who owns him there are other story lines as well involving duty, responsibility, patriotism, etc. Morpungo expertly weaves a tale about the horse and various people he meets before and during the course of W...