Vin Fiz: Adventures With Grape Soda

There’s a little restaurant not too far from my home that we frequent for the great steaks and great service. I usually order an adult beverage before dinner….a little something served up in a martini glass called a Cosmic Grape. The drink reminds me of a frozen Fanta Grape soda…..not as sweet as a Fanta, but similar. The last time we were there I ordered my Cosmic Grape and then wondered aloud what might be in the drink so we could recreate it at home. I assumed it contained one of the new flavored vodkas….seems like every flavor under the sun is offered up these days. I picked up my hand-dandy smart phone and went online to look up the recipe. I entered the words “cosmic grape” in the search box. Guess what I found? Yes, I found recipes that seemed like they could be my beloved Cosmic Grape, but I found something much more interesting. My recipe quest was soon forgotten because I found a bit of history involving grade soda a...