A Topic for Discussion...Handicaps and Politics

When you stop for a moment and consider Franklin Delano Roosevelt you have to be amazed and filled with awe that a man who had suffered through such a tremendous physical tragedy as he did during the summer of 1921 was able to rise to the highest office in the land given prevailing opinions concerning the disabled at that time. FDR contracted polio…or what was thought to be polio while on vacation and even though various cures never worked to restore his legs he also never accepted the fact his paralysis was permanent and constantly felt he was getting better. Many state today his paralysis might have been from the effects of Guillain-Barre Syndrome and not Polio, but no matter the cause FDR was what our society deems as handicapped. Yet, at the time of his death in 1945 and for years afterward very few Americans knew the full extent of FDR’s physical limitations. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt....one of three public photos showing him in his wheel chair Once he entered...