Movie Review: Lawless

I went to see the move Lawless the other night and was quiet pleased. A friend recommended the movie to me and told me I would like to see it because it was just MY THING. was MY THING and more....mainly because it is real history based on true story. The movie is based on the book The Wettest County in the World that has been aptly described as a fictional account of a very real time. Matt Bondurant, the author, writes of his family including his grandfather....the main characters of the book.... and calls his work a parallel history using family stories, archival records, news clippings and court transcripts. The movie is termed a gangster film and to a certain extent that's a correct description.....The movie opens in 1931 when the three Bondurant boys are making and selling moonshine in Franklin County, Virginia. While violence is just part of the business things get dicey when a corrupt lawman wants a cut and the Bondurant boys don't...