
Showing posts from October, 2012

The Tale of the Red River Raft

I love the story of the Red River Raft for several reasons.  First the might see in your mind's eye images of pioneers racing down a river with all of their earthly possessions stacked on a hastily fashioned wooden log raft, but that's not what this story is all about.   In fact, the story involves the INABILITY to move on a river. Yes...this story is not what you expect, and if you spend any time around here then you know I like the unexpected change-up in content. This story also embraces a bit of historical myth... which again....if you spend any time around here reading my meager little offerings you know I like to bust those myths as much as possible, but in this might be okay to include the myth with the lesson content as a hook to draw students in.  This story also has geological and geographical  implications   and a bit of science. It spans several historical eras including Native Americans, pioneers, and the transportation age...a...