I went to see the movie Lincoln last weekend. I loved it! I’m looking forward to seeing it again…and again. The movie covers the time period from January, 1865 to April 9 at the end of the war and five days later when President Lincoln was assassinated. Spielberg had already begun to develop the idea of a movie concerning Lincoln, but after attending a luncheon for historians where he met and spoke with Doris Kerns Goodwin he decided to base his project on her book, Team of Rivals , however, the scope of the book…..the scope of Lincoln’s presidency is too large and complex a subject to digest into a movie format. Spielberg had to decide what to focus on, and I’m pleased he decided to focus on the struggle to end the war and most importantly the wheeling and dealing that was necessary to get the 13 th amendment passed. Here are 13 little tidbits regarding the movie…. 1.Spielberg and his team spent over twelve years researching the movie. The attention to detail far outweighs ot...