Yes, I've Published a Book!
I've written and published a book! Of course, that was my intention when I began this blog way back in 2006 when I was still in the classroom, but the book I've published isn't exactly the book I had planned. The planned project - a teaching memoir - will still be published along with a few other projects, but the book you see to the left is what fell in my lap along the way. It needed to be done. History education is my prime focus along with writing curriculum. Over the last couple of years I've written a few college courses used by teacher candidates at Johns Hopkins University School of Education, and I have some other curriculum ideas up my sleeve, but local history has taken a front-burner position over the last year. I've been researching and writing the local history of Douglas County for the past four years, and have had a weekly column the Douglas County Sentinel for a year and a half. I've been a longtime fan of the Images of America series of books ...