It is golf season around my house these days. I’m finding golf tees in the washing machine, golf clubs dumped by the front door and assorted golf gloves thrown into my back seat. No….Tiger Woods hasn’t been hiding out at my house, and Mr. ElementaryHistoryTeacher has been far too busy at work to be on the golf course himself. Me? Heavens, no! I’m not the golfer of the family. The golfer at my house these days is Dear Daughter. This is her second season as a member of her high school’s golf team, and if our weather would warm up and dry out she might actually have a good season. I’d hate for her to have to ask for a mulligan for the entire season. A mulligan? Oh, that’s a golf term – it means to do something over – a second chance to perform a certain move or action. A mulligan is not normally part of official play, but it is an acceptable practice among friends. You and I……we’re friends, aren’t we? I hope so because I need my dear readers to grant me a mulligan of sorts. You see for th...
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